Eric,Kelly and Xiao Jie really enjoy the redang trip!We take good care of each other and we have the good result!Hope Sharol and Gin Seng also enjoy the trip..
We have such a good result due to ur highest co-operation..thanks!Hope u like it!
Our parlour is located at the 4th floor of JB City Square. To date, we have a total of 20 professionals working with us. Part of our crew has even received the recognition and praises of the Royal Family of Johor, and we have since done makeup work for them. On top of that, our own talented photographers have received an award for being one of the world’s best on Professional Wedding Photography, an award which we are proud to possess.
Help Turtles in trouble- Sign Up and be a conservation hero!
"Turtles play a critical role in keeping marine ecosystems healthy; the same ecosystems which sustain our fisheries and tourism industries that provide food and livelihoods for millions of people. Marine turtles are threatened with extinction due to various factors, including: the practice of consuming turtle eggs, marine and nesting beach pollution as well as illegal trade of turtles and their parts.
Leatherback turtles have already been declared functionally extinct in Malaysia. In the 1950s, there were 10,000 leatherback nests in Rantau Abang each year; now there are less than 10. Moreover, turtle protection laws are inadequate. Please sign up and help save turtles!"